fbi/cia's own torturers, assassins, & terrorists globally

fbi/cia covert unlawful method against men: castration!

        Intelligence  report: castration of the enemy

The cia recently  announced that Viagra is being offered to men who help in the USA war effort in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other places.Thus usa promotes war crimes:


No mention is made by the cia of  the ongoing practices of the fbi/cia to castrate men who refuse to cooperate (in the murderous war efforts), or who otherwise act against the interests of the American  intelligence services (the fbi/cia).
Secret laws now authorize the fbi/cia, et al ,  to engage in threats of castration and actual castration at will when the intel services can show some basis for the chemical assaults on selected Targets. One such basis is the showing that the Target has or is suspected of having a venereal disease (such as HIV or HPV, etc.) and is therefore a presumed threat to society. Indeed over half the adult male population is now believed to be infected with the HPV, a fact that offers great opportunity for the intel services to carry out their threats of castration on a broad section of the general population.


If the fbi/cia decide to end the productive life of an activist, or other  suspected  “enemy” , he may be incarcerated in a mental hospital by using fraudulent civil process as I have briefly summarized ;




or he may become the subject of a phony criminal case wherein the imprisonment of the Target satisfies the intel service’s need.
Today the fbi/cia  also  review the medical records of male Targets and conduct other  in- depth investigations in efforts to profile the Target in a predetermined manner that ostensibly seeks to  justifiy  castration. However, in order to achieve the desired end, the intel services also create a file on the Target wherein women swear in false affidavits and file  derogatory  statements  against the Target, rendering the Target  vulnerable to corrective action. In some instances the fbi and the cia actually poison or otherwise infect the Target as suggested in some of the links below in order to disable, injure or kill the Target.
Generally, the public is not aware of the dirty tricks used by the intel services against Targets, including  adverse actions & procedures against uninfected men and   others who pose absolutely no threat to anyone.  The central goal of the intel services (the fbi/cia) is to protect state secrets (including their crimes against humanity)




and to further  political objectives (such as silencing whistleblowers).
Thus, men must become more vigilant regarding the crimes planned and committed against them by the fbi/cia agents and their operatives, including members of the public at large who are often co-opted into assisting the assassins  in the poisoning and killing  of selected Targets (sometimes by obscure methods).





Also, see how the above report relates to the future of torture:


See fbi as mafia: http://www.indymedia.org.nz/article/82439/fbi-mafia-global-threat

Intel services castrate disparate enemies http://fsm2011.org/ar/depoimento/intelligence-report-castration-of-...


The names of the doctors who assist the fbi/cia in thier crimes must be added to this list:



Update, September 16, 2012, at 11:25PM,  the fbi sends the following text message to my phone at (956)622-0768 from 13044151245:

                                           "YOU UP".




El FBI y la CIA ahora se dedican a una variedad de ataques criminales para lograr sus objetivos y una de esas acciones es la castración del oponente. La CIA ha anunciado recientemente que se induce a tomar Viagra a los soldados que ayudan en el esfuerzo de guerra EE.UU en Libia, Irak, Afganistán y otros lugares.
Hay informes confidenciales que indican que en curso dictádos por FBI / CIA exísten prácticas para castrar a los hombres que se niegan a cooperar con las fuerzas occidentales o de quienes actúan en contra de los intereses de los servicios de inteligencia norteamericanos . Se han sancionado leyes secretas autorizando al FBI / CIA, y otros, a participar en las amenazas de castración, la castración real, cuando los servicios de Inteligencia pueden demostrar una cierta base para que los objetivos seleccionado puedan provocar ataques químicos. Otro de los motivos para realizar estas intervenciones quirurgicas es la sospecha es que el objetivo tiene o se sospecha que tiene una enfermedad venérea (como el VIH o VPH, etc) y por lo tanto una presunta amenaza para la sociedad. De hecho más de la mitad de la población masculina adulta ahora se cree que estar infectado con el VPH, un hecho que ofrece una gran oportunidad para los servicios de inteligencia para llevar a cabo sus amenazas de castración en un amplio sector de la población en general.



si el FBI / CIA decide poner fin a la vida productiva de un activista, o sospecha de otra enfermedad del " enemigo ", este puede ser encarcelado en un hospital para enfermos mentales mediante el uso fraudulento proceso civil, como que he resumido brevemente Ver:





O puede ser objeto de la apertura de un falso caso pena en el que se prevea  el encarcelamiento según las necesidades de los servicios de Inteligencia. Hoy en día el FBI / CIA también pueden revisar los registros médicos de los militantes de sexo masculino y llevar a cabo otras investigaciones en profundidad para "armar"  de una manera predeterminada el caso para lograr su castración. Sin embargo, con el fin de lograr el fin deseado, los servicios de inteligencia también pueden crear un archivo en el que las mujeres juran en declaraciones juradas falsas y presentan declaraciones despectivas en contra del objetivo, haciendo a éste vulnerable a la acción correctiva. En algunos casos, el FBI y la CIA están autorizados al uso de veneno u otra maneras para infectar al perseguido como se sugiere en algunos de los enlaces de abajo, a fin de inhabilitarlo, herirlo o matarlo.
El público no es consciente de los trucos sucios usados por los servicios de inteligencia respecto a los objetivos, incluidas las acciones adversas y procedimientos en contra de los hombres no infectados y otros que no plantean ninguna amenaza para nadie.
El objetivo central de los servicios de inteligencia (el FBI / CIA) es la protección de secretos de Estado, incluidas sus crímenes contra la humanidad,



 y objetivos más políticos (como silenciar a los denunciantes). *********************************** De este modo, los ciudadanos deben ser más vigilantes con respecto a los delitos previsto y el cometido contra ellos por los agentes del FBI / CIA y sus operativos, incluidos los miembros del público en general que a menudo son cooptados para ayudar a los asesinos en el envenenamiento y el asesinato de los objetivos seleccionados (a veces con métodos oscuros).


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 Witnesses    to    and       apparent           participants         in         the         fbi/cia 

    intel operations   at   Target   Store & Starbucks   are       listed       below:

 [See report on evil by Barbara Hartwell at  http://sosbeevfbi.ning.com/forum/topics/on-the-nature-of-evil-by]


Chrystal (employee in Starbucks Coffee at the  Target restaurant) and  Ruth Ellen (last names unknown),manager of the same Target Store, Harlingen, 1002 Dixieland Rd, Harlingen, TX 78552, are witnesses to recent poisonings. 

Note that Ruth Ellen displayed a cavalier and arrogant disregard for the  human and civil rights violations  described by Geral Sosbee, as she also appeared to have full knowledge of the reported poisonings  of this Target  by fbi thugs and operatives (including  possibly Chrystal).

Target Corporation administrative officer, Ben, phone (612)307-5000, called me to express his concern about the poisoning.




Cindy Hernandez  (employee at Starbucks Coffee) , Harlingen Airport, West Terminal Bldg, 3002 Heritage Way, Harlingen, Texas 78550. Cindy, acting  against Starbucks protocol,

'PRE'    prepared my coffee without allowing me to order same, even though she knew of my need to order the coffee and to watch the preparation. I believe that the coffee was poisoned. As of September 18, 2011, coffee server Mario seeks to (and apparently does) poison my coffee at the Harlingen, Texas, Airport Starbucks; also, after I complained to *B. Wren at the airport, a group of heavy set female employees at the Starbucks and airport restaurant continue to stalk me every time I enter the area. The apparent purpose is to provoke a response so that I may be banned from entering.

[*Note that the Assistant Director of Aviation, Mr. Bryan J. Wren,  is now familiar with the fbi/cia intel operations at the Harlingen, Texas,  airport as documented by Geral Sosbee.]

  The Starbucks coffee shops around the country fully cooperate with the fbi's clandestine

poisonings of selected individuals. See one of my reports on this subject at



Tampering of my food on April 6, 2011 at restaurant,  La Madeleine de Corps, Inc.,18030 US Hwy 281 N, San Antonio.


                                                   UPDATE MAY 14, 2012

To: Director of Homeland Security  ContactCenter@dhs.gov

Copy delivered by US Mail to:

Attn: T. Michael Browning, Director Valley International Airport Airport Terminal, 3rd Floor 3002 Heritage Way Harlingen TX, 78550


This message confirms the following facts:

On May 13, 2012, at about 10:30 AM, I visited the main lobby of the Harlingen, Texas, Municipal Airport; the Starbucks employee on duty (identified below) saw me enter the facility and she inappropriately reported me to the armed airport security officer on duty. Then, both the Starbucks employee and the officer began studying me with the apparent intent to silently inform me that I am under some form of scrutiny.

Almost every time I enter the airport premises the Starbucks employees harass me in apparent retaliation for my reporting on previous occasions violations of Starbucks policies by one Cindy Hernandez (a Starbucks employee). The full report that I filed with Bryan Wren regarding harassment by Hernandez and her associates is available at:



Similar false security alarms have also been made against me as documented at:



I have previously personally met with Bryan and his security chief, and all appropriate authorities at the airport are aware of the vendetta against me by the fbi in their efforts to isolate and silence me from reporting their crimes. See: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com.

Also, I have not recently attempted to purchase anything at the Starbucks Coffee shop at the airport, and today no apparent reason existed for the Starbucks employee to alert the police of my presence there. Hernandez previously admitted to trying to require me to purchase a drink that she 'pre' prepared and spiked at the airport.

I  request that your staff, both TSA and employees under the leadership of T. Michael Browning will ask the Starbucks employee to stop harassing me.

Finally, the Police State being formed now in the USA depends in part on citizens falsely reporting other citizens for some obscure personal or political reason. Then government officials such as fbi agents and other agencies can use such contrived reports to assault the innocent citizen, in this instance , me, thereby interfering with legitimate police functions at public locations.

Geral W. Sosbee.    P.O.Box 3374, Harlingen, Texas 78551


**Starbucks denies (on 5-17-12) any efforts to poison me; of course Starbucks makes no investigation even as the Corporation guards against public disclosure of the facts:


Re: other #697455-8367683#>>

Starbucks Customer Care info@starbucks.com
12:11 AM (8 hours ago)

to me


Hi geral,
 Thank you for the valuable feedback. I want to assure you that under no circumstances are any Starbucks employees adding anything to the beverages that customers do not ask for.Thanks again for writing us.  If you ever have any questions or concerns in the future, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Alex S
customer service


 Possible Starbucks awareness of similar  previous reports:

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 ** Note that the above denial  from Starbucks fails to admit the obvious: A  secret court order is always obeyed without hesitation, even if the order is fraudulently obtained.


 See Secret Courts which operate 'secretly' and which undermine all civil and human rights of Targets at will : 




I noticed quite a few of my known associates (some I literally did not know more than briefly and did not know their names) ended up dead, or hospitalized?


Cheney spun this as his infamous undefined "one percent doctrine" and of course..."Inhanced Interrogation techniques" in which...there was no interrogation.  I would know...if I had been interrogated...right?  Well, not necessarily...see...the FBI COUNTER INTEL AGENTS and CIA all work with CIA SHRINKS who do something called a "subliminal counterintel debriefing" in which the target is "subliminally programmed" to answer yes or no questions...that are not consciously heard or noticed.  And...the way the target answers yes or no...is with a subjective feeling that their ear itchs requiring a scratching of the ear.


Left ear itch is programmed subliminally to be a Yes or No.


Right ear itch programmed to be the opposite of the above script.


Thus...you can debrief with yes and no questions...while the target is conscious and awake?


Miranda problems.


Don't worry...HOLDER recently wrote a cover your ass memo for Mueller....(find at TPMmucker.com for the story) so that...FBI can "indefinitely delay Miranda notices" so that...uh...well without Pre Interrogation Notice of Miranda" there...is NO MIRANDA...EVER....RIGHT?

In March 2007, I had surgery to replace the right knee.  During recovery I woke once in a private room and there was a person in the room with me. I could hear him asking me a question then I was immediately unconcious again. I realized later that it was the agent involved in the gang stalking technique. I have no way of knowing for sure how he manipulated that situation but I am almost sure that had me under hypnosis and he told me what the answer to the question must be before he ask the question. Once a TI realizes what their situation is they can no longer aford to go to a Dr. because they can not be trusted. The gov agent tells them what to do and the Dr. will follow orders like they were a robot.

Thomas S. Bean said:

I noticed quite a few of my known associates (some I literally did not know more than briefly and did not know their names) ended up dead, or hospitalized?


Cheney spun this as his infamous undefined "one percent doctrine" and of course..."Inhanced Interrogation techniques" in which...there was no interrogation.  I would know...if I had been interrogated...right?  Well, not necessarily...see...the FBI COUNTER INTEL AGENTS and CIA all work with CIA SHRINKS who do something called a "subliminal counterintel debriefing" in which the target is "subliminally programmed" to answer yes or no questions...that are not consciously heard or noticed.  And...the way the target answers yes or no...is with a subjective feeling that their ear itchs requiring a scratching of the ear.


Left ear itch is programmed subliminally to be a Yes or No.


Right ear itch programmed to be the opposite of the above script.


Thus...you can debrief with yes and no questions...while the target is conscious and awake?


Miranda problems.


Don't worry...HOLDER recently wrote a cover your ass memo for Mueller....(find at TPMmucker.com for the story) so that...FBI can "indefinitely delay Miranda notices" so that...uh...well without Pre Interrogation Notice of Miranda" there...is NO MIRANDA...EVER....RIGHT?

My father is an MD practising psychiatry.


They flipped my father, and he failed to get me to sign off on a very vague generalized POWER OF ATTORNEY covering all health matters?


Health matters?....like INVOLUNTARY SURGICAL INSTALLATION OF A VERICHIP used in subliminal debriefings and of course...subliminal programming.  You got to understand that if you can SUBLIMINALLY DEBREIF, then they can also SUBLIMINALLY PROGRAM TO COMMIT ANY EMBARASSING CRIME OR DEVIANCE, used later in a civil suit to castrate your credibility.


So...the issue that the ACLU NAT SEC DIVISION would not litigate on my behalf, or Geral Sosbee's behalf (note: Sosbee is a first class whistleblower and there is no way theycould slander Sosbee as a terrorist) is the INVOLUNTARY CHIPPING,MIND CONTROL as a COINTELPRO modus?

So...uh...what's upwith the ACLU HQ being this worthless, with allthe money that flowed into their coffers?

Soros donated some millions of ill gotten gain to...ACLU.  Never heard from ANTHONY "opus dei" Romero or the other phoney, dipshits at ACLU offices in Vegas, Salt Lake, Sioux Falls, SD, or Austin, Texas?

I have not put Geral's site ("The FBI/CIA are Terrorists") at my blogs....but...I would like to link so that the ACLU dipshits can find this site.


I don't know if that is okay with Geral...but it is a nice record of the harassment of others all reporting the same chicanery, torts, and felonies.


Cheers and sobs, Thomas




Thanks Tom and Gil. Feel free to post my links (to any of my sites) where you like. I consider you both my valued friends.

Re: aclu: I renamed them the acclu because of their cowardly refusal to take our case.The acclu now have a punk fbi ex agent on their staff, so apparently the group that pretends to protect civil liberties is now an operative for the fbi/cia assassins by covering up multiple and ongoing  civil & human rights violations as many of us have documented.

I wonder what is the background of that phoney, spook, retired FBI agent ?


The US SEN JUD COMM, had my facts....and....their staff (retired FBI was lead investigator at US Sen Jud Comm) never, ever...tried to communicate with me?  Is this the same guy that Mueller moved to ACLU HQ?


He kind of replaced Anthony "liver lips" Romero as the ACLU's front man.


When I found he was a retired FBI, I knew the fix was in.


ACLU and FBI go together like cats and dogs.


The new Fed informant at ACLU started out, talking a good game, but again I saw no effort to talk to me.


My fact pattern involves The FBI badge being used to "locate and identify" my known associates who all ended up dead or hospitalized.


Tell me, what legitimate civil rights organization would want to ignore that fact pattern?....I told the ACLU you "willhave to file the motion" that was used to get access to detainees at Gitmo and Guant.....because...."preventative detention" means...."The police state seizes emails and phone messages" so they can erase them.  The cut you off from legal representation while also torturing you in your home, while you are drafting legal challenges...so....uh....I had no option but grab my cat, camping gear, and drive west to live out of my truck.


If I would have stayed in my home, I would have died like Rich Gordon....brain stroke.


Wayne Madsen Report heard that spook scumbag George Soros paid off ACLU HQ to avoid my fact pattern?  That sounds like a CONSPIRACY to violate Title 18 USC section 242 (conspiracy to deprive civil liberties).


I have not heard from HOLDER OR MUELLER'S STOOGES about the second complaint (I really do not know who to send it to, since all other complaints were ignored or round filed?).


geral sosbee said:

Thanks Tom and Gil. Feel free to post my links (to any of my sites) where you like. I consider you both my valued friends.

Re: aclu: I renamed them the acclu because of their cowardly refusal to take our case.The acclu now have a punk fbi ex agent on their staff, so apparently the group that pretends to protect civil liberties is now an operative for the fbi/cia assassins by covering up multiple and ongoing  civil & human rights violations as many of us have documented.





Reply from TS Bean:  I am, soon enough, gonna do a link blog post mentioning this website.


Your case Geral...is well documented.  I did read your firest website....and read the diary.  I ran off copies of 75% of it....good details.  With a never ending conspiracy to violate civil liberties, the civil suit statute of limitations never runs out...since it is one continuous pattern of abuse.


The ACLU is...probably as frustrated as we are...they seem to dedicate themselves to a skewed reality based solely on "what the police state will admit"...and the police state does not make admissions against their own interest.


So....it becomes "the plaintiff's word versus a secret police surveillance" in which...all attempts at corroboration from oversight agencies (FBI OPR, DOJ OPR, INSPECTORS GENERAL) WAS and is...hidden behind a silent assertion known as "state secrets/National Security".


This was used....I suppose....to stop Glen Fine from sending me a letter confirming possession of the complaint (redacted by the time he got it)?


I am stunned at the obedience and weakness of fed, state, and local prosecutors.....including Mueller's FBI.....when Bob explained to Leahy, "....our hands were tied, we were just following our protocol"??????


My drafting of a Motion for INjunctive Relief and section 1983 lawsuit....was the TERRORISTIC THREAT that had to be neutralized with TORTURE, DEW, STALKING, malicious prosecutions by a JFLTTF......etc.


Almost everything they did to me and my known associates "may be psuedo legal" after the passage of The PATRIOT ACT, WAR COMMISSIONS ACT, AND FISA LAW.




The neo con, Scofield Bible thumping generals at DOD, NSA, CIA have control of Congress.  Control files...bank accounts....Swiss UBS bank accounts when Holder secretly gave amnesty to 3, 000 tax scofflaws and the informant got six years?


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