fbi/cia's own torturers, assassins, & terrorists globally

fbi/cia Methods To Torture and Kill Targets (by Hartwell & Sosbee)

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

New Reports From Ex-FBI Whistleblower Geral Sosbee

Barbara Hartwell
Legal Defense & Research Trust
P.O. Box 7487
Ocean Park, Maine 04063
Website: Barbara Hartwell vs. CIA
Note: Here are two recent reports from my good friend and professional colleague ex-FBI agent Geral Sosbee. I have known Geral for six years, and as FBI/CIA whistleblowers we have worked together to expose the crimes, corruption, tyranny and treason of these agencies, as well as the hirelings, minions and government shills who report to them, directly or indirectly as the case may be.
I can corroborate Geral's experiences re corruption in the medical field, as outlined in his first report. I too have been subjected to numerous abuses by the medical profession (CIA related) throughout my entire life.
When attempts were made on my life via electromagnetic/exotic weaponry, I nearly died on several occasions. Yet I refused to be taken to a hospital as I knew that CIA might well have people in place to finish me off.
Over a period of years, I have suffered brutal electromagnetic attacks which resulted in the following injuries and illnesses (only a partial list): severe and unbearable pain in my head; violent/projectile vomiting; heart symptoms (I have a congential heart condition); knocked unconscious; laser cuts/burns; hit with directed-energy "bullets".
I should make it clear that these attacks were not any form of "experimentation" or "testing" of weaponry. They were assassination attempts. I know for a fact that the same applies to Geral. Both Geral and I are high-profile targets of these out-of-control intelligence/law enforcement agencies.
In fact, I have incurred massive damages because of these relentless assaults, resulting in permanent disabilities, for which I cannot even get medical care, due to financial destitution, also engineered by these government criminals.
I can only thank God for the angels who surround me and who have saved my life more times than I can count. I know they're with Geral too, I have seen them in the spirit.
I have had to remove the links given in Geral's posts, so please go to Geral's News Log (the original posts) for all links:
Also for more information see Geral's website:
Geral Sosbee is one of very few people reporting these atrocities whose credibility I can completely and unreservedly endorse. What he is reporting is accurate, factual and true. He does not speculate; he does not make unwarranted assumptions. There is no conjecture here, only solid facts backed by hard evidence.
Please take the time to visit Geral's website and see the links connected to his reports.
Barbara Hartwell
August 8, 2007
6 Aug 2007
The purpose of this report is to attempt to focus attention on the fbi's (and the cia's) use of doctors (both MD, DDS, PhD and other health care providers) to torture and possibly kill Targets. The topic is somewhat difficult to address because misdiagnoses, mistakes and honest errors, might inappropriately in some instances account for (or obscure) certain medical atrocities which are intended to leave the patient dead, maimed, or insane. Few patients dare to criticize their doctors (or other health care providers) for fear of retaliation, or for fear of being labeled 'psychotic'. False report by MD: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/part20-updatefor.html

Thus, the following information may best be considered as an alternative view to popular acceptance of human error as the cause of death (or prolonged illness) in some patients. All scenarios mentioned below represent the actual experiences of this writer.

The fbi and the cia often use a variety of tricks to torture or kill the targeted patient. Many psychiatrists, for example, are directly in the employ of the intelligence agencies and provide the fbi and the cia with a medical or psychiatric report that is completely fabricated in order to institutionalize the Target. An example of this can be found in the medical charts of patients seen by Waldman, M.D., of New York. In such cases,the fbi and the cia conduct psychological operations on the Target who then shows symptoms which the doctor falsely asserts are not inconsistent with psychosis; further , the intelligence services then feed the doctor (in a kind of 'ex-parte' frenzy)false or misleading data which cause the already predisposed doctor to pre-judge and even pre diagnose the patient.

In another example, the patient reports to the doctor that he has a small growth on his right testicle; the doctor (after receiving an fbi fabricated and inflammatory rumor) then records on the chart that this patient must have the right testicle removed. On the day scheduled for the surgery, the patient sneaks a view of the medical chart and notices that someone has changed the record to read, " today's procedure is the removal of the left testacle." The patient then runs for his life, consults two additional doctors and confirms that neither testicle contains a malignant growth and that no surgery is indicated. This incident occurred about twenty (20) years ago and the patient is doing fine with both testacles in tact.

In yet another possible example of fbi macabre influence of a medical team with regards to the targeted patient, note the following scenario (which occurred in El Paso, Texas):

The patient is diagnosed with and set for surgery for a deviated septum; the procedure is successful, but after the patient exits the surgery room and regains consciousness, a new and potentially deadly challenge confronts him. A member of the nursing staff (or an fbi operative on the scene)re-writes the instructions for the care of the recovering patient. The original chart reads that no solid food is to be given to this patient for the customary time period (usually about 12 hours following surgery);the new, re-written instruction reads, "full meals are to be given the patient immediately". The problem then erupts as the patient eats the food, vomits all that he eats and nearly suffocates on his own fluids because he has no open air passage for breathing. The nasal passage is completely sealed off and stuffed following the surgery (for the deviated septum) and as the patient vomits, he cannot breathe.
So, beware of the Living Dead Nurses, especially Nurse Ratched

I will spare the reader additional examples of fbi and cia manipulation of medical staff (designed to torture or kill the Target);See:
 I invite you to post your own experiences of this nature for educational purposes. You and I may help save lives by discouraging the torturers and assassins at the hospitals from continuing their devilish trade; at the same time we may suggest to all patients the need to have an intelligent and courageous friend at the side of the patient for as long as possible during the medical procedure/surgery.Note that during my most recent hospital visit (see my reports on the fbi fabricated kidney stone in my person) an unidentified health care provider actively assisted me by monitoring all procedures in my case to insure that I not be tortured or killed. This person is truly a Guardian Angel.
Additional Data On fbi/cia discreet efforts to torture, force suicide, or murder Targets see:
Recently the fbi thugs send Sosbee the following hate mail, making implied reference to their complicity in the above reports of felonious assaults.  See how the thugs of government use fear as a weapon:

                            Here is the fbi's mesage to me:


 Thursday, December 16, 2010 3:37 AM

Woman Of Mass Destruction

" Lets hope it's the last gasp of neo-liberalism choking on its own vomit."

                  ADDENDUM (October 14, 2012)
I recently learned from
Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children in Dallas  that the fbi obtained treatment records on me relating to respiratory problems I experienced as a young boy (1950s). The fbi learned that I have a severe medical reaction to cigarette smoke. While I lived in a townhouse unit in Brownsville in the past decade, the fbi placed a female *operative in the adjoining unit for the purpose of flooding my unit with cigarette smoke. The result was a bronchial infection requiring medical treatment and antibiotics. The same woman (*one Ms. Rodriguez) continues to harass me in the Harlingen, Texas Public Library, on many occasions; the security officer of the library (lisa) confirmed on internal video tape that Rodriguez in fact harassed me while I was in the library on at least two occasions.
Note that a criminal mental  illness of  fbi agents and operatives is reflected in the numerous instances of their orchestrated attempts to kill or incapacitate me. The US Department of Health and Human Services, OR OTHER AGENCIES,  should be required to search all records nationwide (by cross referencing, etc.) over the past 100 years to see how many **politically motivated deaths or serious injuries have been visited upon  dissidents or other Targets. See my reports on the synthetic kidney stone, the tooth 14 infection, and the DEW assaults for more data in this regard:

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