fbi/cia's own torturers, assassins, & terrorists globally


Imagine that a mafia type moves into your neighborhood, subtly sets himself up as a kind of authority and pseudo friend to those who bow to him.http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/hooverletter.html

See fbi as mafia :

http://www.thechicagosyndicate.com/2009/01/john-connolly-former-fbi...    "A judge sentenced a rogue FBI agent to 40 years in prison on Thursday for the 1982 mob-related killing of a witness who was about to testify against Boston mob members, court officials said."

He becomes in time a protector to his followers and an oppressor to those who refuse his orders. Ultimately, as this mafia figure has the backing of the ‘organization’ , all persons in the neighborhood realize that the best course to maintain peace in the home is to subscribe to the mafia’s doctrine and at the same time pretend that all is for the greater good. Many are then rewarded for their loyalty to the mafia lord.

Now, this is the scenario today on the *world stage with the fbi/cia/pentagon (and their minions, stooges,shills, thugs,punks,assassins,operatives, agents,informants,and police/national guard Gen d’armes), all acting as mafia type figures.

For purposes of this report the main focus is on the dual disciples of satan, the fbi/cia, as mafia, and on their demand that all the world accept the new world order as defined and as enforced by their organization (i.e.: the war machine). Those who surrender their persons and countries unto the authority of the fbi/cia mafia are rewarded (first by not being killed or imprisoned, followed by some temporary economic benefits to the country’s ruling elite). Those who resist or fight the terrorists of the fbi/cia mafia are hunted down like dogs and are killed. Thus, the real war on terror takes on a very special meaning to all who are affected by the aggression of the most dangerous and bold group of blood thirsty killers ever to live on the planet earth: the fbi/cia mafia and their associates and facilitators throughout society.

Today the people of the world recognize that the fbi/cia gang represents the failed leadership of the United States of America, and that this nation is thereby a homicidal menace to Humanity because the fbi/cia’s war machine continues the assault on the world’s population with threats, armed invasions, and ultra high tech weaponry (including mind control and brain entrainment gadgetry) and by whatever other methods be available in their arsenal.

Now a clear and present danger to the peace and stability of all peoples is apparent; unless stopped now the future of mankind is in great peril with regard to human and civil rights, individual liberty issues and freedom from oppression.
The sentiment grows around the globe to stop the invaders of the fbi/cia gang . The mantra of the freedom fighters may be summarized in a simple but universal expression of rage as follows and the war on terror has hardly just begun:

                                       Invade My Country, I Invade Yours;

                                      Attack My Brain, All Bets Are Off.


See examples of fbi mafia personalities in their comments:















QUESTIONS! geral sosbee (956)371-5210








"FBI and NSA agents who are part of a secret US society are genetically
inclined sociopaths and psychopaths who work as hit men, torturers,
sexual abusers, stalkers, slanderers, and agent provocateurs involved
in murders and torture of hundreds of thousands of innocent US citizens
for years and years. At the last count there are 50,000 NSA spies who
are businessmen, priests, community leaders and in all walks of life
who are SPYING and keeping tabs on pretty much all americans."




 This is the real fbi which uses the methods and incorporates the values of the notorious Mafia.



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See Also:

NEWS of fbi agent John J. Connolly Jr.murderous crimes, Nov. 8, 2008:

From a  report at

"It would be one thing if he were a rogue agent, acting alone. But that is not the case. Over three decades beginning in the 1960s, 18 FBI agents either broke the law or violated federal guidelines. In 1965, the FBI framed four innocent men in a gangland murder to protect two mobsters it was trying to cultivate as informants, and then let the innocent men rot in jail for decades."



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