fbi is MAFIA

Geral Sosbee, 2000
This report attempts to capture the essence of the fbi’s covert intelligence operations against me ongoing now for the past twenty eight years. The significance of the report, aside from allowing me to vent my frustrations, is the historical record presented of the complete breakdown of civil and criminal law by the fbi at will. I recognize that theUnited States government has undergone a silent but nevertheless a deadly coup by
the intelligence services who, in concert with governments globally, seek world
inhumane domination at any cost.
As I served this country on the battlefield, I ask the reader the following question: Would
you serve a nation that would attack you for honorably defending that nation on the
battlefield? I suspect that many people might recognize that such crimes committed
against me by the fbi (with the full support of congress and the courts) might question
the meaning of their own service to this unlawful regime. In this sense the fbi is become
a direct threat to the security of the United States for the following additional reasons:
1)The fbi acts as a federal *MAFIA who engage in false arrest, fabrication &
suppression of evidence, torture, threats, forced bankruptcy & homelessness, attempted
murder and various other terrorist assaults against political and ideological critics such
as me.
2) Anyone who serves in the United States armed forces and returns to expose
atrocities by the fbi/cia/dod is subject to being treated as a prisoner of war in the very
nation that he served.
Thus, as the information of the total corruption of the fbi becomes known, many citizens
may question the utility of their own service because they risk injury/death for a nation
that disrespects all human life; further, such persons will most certainly be on guard
against the intelligence community upon return home from the war.
My service:
The fbi history book:
Below is additional evidence on the criminal activities of the very law enforcement
agency, the fbi, who are responsible for protecting our rights as human beings and as
citizens of the United States. For more data on the unconscionable crimes against me
see "My Story In Detail" and associated reports online.Evidence of the fbi's threat to national security of the USA by attacking those of us who
serve in war:
fbi operatives come online and falsely allege that this veteran is a murderer as a result
of his service to his country in combat; then, the same fbi thug tells the world that this
veteran is a possible mass murderer:
Local police threaten to arrest me, even as they engage in multiple crimes against my
and parts 19, a, c, showing how the fbi tortures this vet 24/7 for life.
Medical doctor, now a VA doctor who treats our very own veterans, issues a false
Federal & State cops threaten me in my face, in my home:
My notice 15 years ago on the threat to national security posed by fbi:
"The primary focus of this website (sosbeevfbi.com) is on the threat to National Security
of the United States (and the accompanying assault on Humanity) by corrupt and
criminal agents of the fbi and the cia. The incompetence and lack of leadership in the fbi
coupled with the ever increasing fbi abuses of power within the context of the emerging
fbi/cia sponsored global fascist state foreshadow a new wave of human rights abuses
(such as arbitrary killings, imprisonings and torturings of good people around the world)
and such atrocities are known only to the few surviving victims and to maniacal
government agents and operatives functioning subsurface in countries controlled by the
centralized fascist state. The fbi's abandonment of respect for constitutional rights of
citizens is reflected across the nation by incidents of fbi misconduct and criminal activity;
all law enforcement agencies follow fbi dual standards of unbridled arrogance and
accelerating decadence. The growing chasm of distrust between the people andtraitorous government agents threatens the very fabric of our constitutional government." Most media fear the fbi, thereby supporting their atrocities:
Other reports that should awaken world to the criminality of the USA as spearheaded by fbi/cia: Whitey Bulger:
http://www.indymedia.org.nz/articles/3979 fbi shouts "mass murder":
fbi's secret & unlawful CJS:
https://www.academia.edu/9458784/Evidence_of_a_new_unheralded_illeg... minal_Justice_System_CJS_forged_by_fbi
Collapse of constitutional government: