FBI torture update

FBI torture update 


By this short report I hope that world attention might focus on extreme, cruel & murderous character of FBI and their agents, technicians/operatives. I have never been accused of any crime, but FBI cleverly manipulates data. See link in comments.

***f bi now incapacitates me 24/7 by sleep deprivation:Muscle atrophy, exhaustion, head trauma from fainting, DDD- service connected-psyops & stress, short term memory loss, threat of induced dementia and destruction of my hearing
My reports are FYI in hopes that f bi murderers/torturers can be stopped. f bi *assassins also shadow me everywhere including my home. Also, FBI seeks to induce heart attack from service connected injury, CAD, associated with agent orange.

Good news: I am in good spirits because my resistance to f bi assassins is well received.


  • FBI operative SOW gunman also makes his cowardly presence known across street from me.
