fbi/cia's own torturers, assassins, & terrorists globally

From My Facebook, here are my posts, Part 2

Fbi and federal magistrate judges lose their cool

This paper suggests that the fbi
and their federal magistrate
judges turn our country and
indeed the world into a quasi
Nazi State; as surely as twilight
turns to darkness, the light of
our constitutional democracy
turns into darkness as fbi and
police abuse their authority everywhere with no recourse to
unsuspecting victims of the night.

Updated May 29, 2019, 10:54 PM
Geral Sosbee
Updated May 29, 2019, 2:10 PM
Geral Sosbee
fbi is USA's secret police (Gestapo) and these powerful men and women exercise collectively a dictatorship over America with support of cowardly & despicable federal magistrate judges.

Thus, fbi proves to be the rebirth of Nazi party. Some examples:
Torture,maiming, human experimentation, death squads, mass imprisonment & murder.

Neighborhood watch leaders are active en queue from fbi on any given block and are
responsible for supervision of Targets.
They are worse than Nazi BLOCKWARTS (Block Warde) and they are co-opted by fbi assassins and federal magistrate judges to torture, provoke, imprison and kill selected Targets.

This is truly history repeating itself, as though our society learns
nothing from the Holocaust.
Updated May 27, 2019, 6:49 PM
Geral Sosbee
Federal Magistrate judges are authorizing extensive provocations against Targets; so the judges are partners in all fbi crimes, shoot outs and other horrible consequences of such episodes as described below. (Related: Myron May and Aaron Alexis).

The USA is turned into the wild west, thanks to fbi assassins. Yesterday, fbi turns loose several thugs to assault and and intimidate by show of arms against me and my wife.
1) In the morning a thug, friend of my psychopathic neighbor (turned fbi operative) followed us in the company of the daughter of 'psychopath'.

2) In afternoon fbi operative, half wit in my neighborhood follows us to the grocery store. This fool has regularly showed his dirty face at several locations as we go.

3) last night from 7 to midnight the psychopathic neighbor sends a man who appears to be a professional killer to walk around brandishing his firearm on his right hip. He is h/m,5'10", 170 lbs,brwn, and put on quite a show to see if I might exit my home. He placed his hand on the weapon, as though to show his intention, as he threatened me by intimidation. He too appears to be a psychopath. The police apparently confirmed that the fbi thug has licence to carry the weapon. So, this is state sponsored bullying.I consider this incident as criminal assault with a deadly weapon. Note that the thug referenced above in item 1 also accompanied the professional killer referenced in this paragraph.

These fbi thug/operatives are really dirty, as are their federal magistrate judges:
Updated May 27, 2019, 12:35 AM
Geral Sosbee
Public Notice in defense against USA's global police state:

This post is a reminder to all ' homo sapiens ' to prepare for attacks from prehistoric creatures fraudulently acting as cops & fbi in our society.

"Be On look Out" for cops everywhere like Bleier & Wilson who will put a BOLO or maybe APB on you at request of fbi assassins and a criminally insane federal magistrate judge who want to imprison & kill you for their hideous political agenda (Nazism).

See other tyrranical cops: KNIPFING and Rodriguez, Posada, Cruz, et al.
Updated May 25, 2019, 5:03 PM
Geral Sosbee
Fbi: Stop deleting this informative post! That's an order.
Updated May 25, 2019, 7:59 AM
Geral Sosbee
Former fbi director/thug Louis Freeh, whom I sued in year 2000, stated in 1997 about his fbi: * "We are potentially the most dangerous agency in the country."

Well, Mr. Freeh: I prove over the past 35 years that you fraudulently used the word 'potentially' and that you were maticulously busy trying to torture & murder me in 1997, continuing to date.
Updated May 25, 2019, 12:38 AM
Geral Sosbee
Fbi & cia now expect to be tried for high treason and crimes against humanity. I am a material witness against the miserable fbi, their directors, Special Agent thugs & operatives.
Updated May 23, 2019, 9:05 PM
Geral Sosbee
10 years ago I wrote the report in the following link and the report was immediately hidden:
Updated May 23, 2019, 8:31 PM
The sledgehammer in fbi's heavy and murderous hand against Targets represents the same evil & treachery that characterize all tyrannical governments throughout the ages.
The sledgehammer in fbi's heavy and murderous hand against Targets represents the same evil & treachery that characterize all tyrannical governments throughout the ages.
My sadness in witnessing the demise of our country is exceeded by my lamentations on the torture, imprisonment and murder of fellow citizens by the millions at the direction of the fools and assassins of fbi/cia/police and all who support them. All who listen to fbi calumny, act on and believe the lies always bring tremendous detriment including sometimes death to the Target .
My sadness in witnessing the demise of our country is exceeded by my lamentations on the torture, imprisonment and murder of fellow citizens by the millions at the direction of the fools and assassins of fbi/cia/police and all who support them. All who listen to fbi calumny, act on and believe the lies always bring tremendous detriment including sometimes death to the Target .
Geral Sosbee
Same weaponry is used now against me and others
Updated May 22, 2019, 9:20 PM
Geral Sosbee
Updated May 22, 2019, 9:04 PM
Geral Sosbee
We have so many criminals in government (fbi,police,Congress Courts) and throughout society that ironically we can better trust those who are targeted for torture, imprisonment and death. This is America today, a lawless nation in crisis due to an epidemic of police state insanity which is championed by homicidal maniacs in fbi/cia



Updated May 22, 2019, 5:54 PM
Geral Sosbee
We cannot rebuild America, nor make it great without first releasing and compensating
the USA prisoners of war (POWs by fbi & police ) in the Targeted Individuals community here in their own homes and bodies , and dissolving & imprisoning fbi/cia and all who participate in the horror stories that I and others document.

Sadly, I have learned that medical doctors & dentists are operatives for fbi routinely. These professionals are fed propaganda against a Target and from that moment the doctors will do anything to the Target, including torture, murder, false medical reports on the Target.
Updated May 22, 2019, 4:40 PM
Geral Sosbee
Deep State Black Op Projectsfacebook.com

And splinter into tiny dust particles the filthy fbi.
Updated May 22, 2019, 2:37 PM
Geral Sosbee
fbi roaches terrorize our society with help from the roaches who call themselves federal magistrate judges.
Click the roach in the link below to behold the fbi true, filthy character.
Updated May 22, 2019, 11:32 AM
My regular medical doctor refuses to note in the medical records the *dark periphery of my eyes, even though I demonstarted by photo and in person the symptoms caused by the DEW and I indicated that the injuries are caused either by ELF or DEW (and possibly microwave).I also filed a police report #19-19217 at Mission , Texas PD. fbi harassment is intense and fbi also harasses my wonderful wife. So, I conclude that fbi is nervous by all work to show their pure evil. Thank you.
My regular medical doctor refuses to note in the medical records the *dark periphery of my eyes, even though I demonstarted by photo and in person the symptoms caused by the DEW and I indicated that the injuries are caused either by ELF or DEW (and possibly microwave).I also filed a police report #19-19217 at Mission , Texas PD. fbi harassment is intense and fbi also harasses my wonderful wife.
So, I conclude that fbi is nervous by all work to show their pure evil.
Thank you.
May 18 & 19-2019 fbi with authority of a criminally insane federal magistrate judge attack my head and eyes with DEW & ELF , causing the periphery of my eyes to turn black and causing great headache & pain in my right eye (including the bone). These sadistic monsters are unbelievable in their cruelty, having deafend me and induced a life threatening coronary artery disease, inter alia. All medical doctors record my reports of DEW & ELF assaults as 'delusional'.
May 18 & 19-2019 fbi with authority of a criminally insane federal magistrate judge attack my head and eyes with DEW & ELF , causing the periphery of my eyes to turn black and causing great headache & pain in my right eye (including the bone). These sadistic monsters are unbelievable in their cruelty, having deafend me and induced a life threatening coronary artery disease, inter alia. All medical doctors record my reports of DEW & ELF assaults as 'delusional'.
Geral Sosbee
Updated May 21, 2019, 7:29 PM
Fbi hacked this post & removed the photo. May 18 & 19-2019 fbi with authority of a criminally insane federal magistrate judge attack my head and eyes with DEW & ELF , causing the periphery of my eyes to turn black and causing great headache & pain in my right eye (including the bone). These sadistic monsters are unbelievable in their cruelty, having deafend me and induced a life threatening coronary artery disease, inter alia. All medical doctors record my reports of DEW & ELF assaults as 'delusional'.
Fbi hacked this post & removed the photo.
May 18 & 19-2019 fbi with authority of a criminally insane federal magistrate judge attack my head and eyes with DEW & ELF , causing the periphery of my eyes to turn black and causing great headache & pain in my right eye (including the bone). These sadistic monsters are unbelievable in their cruelty, having deafend me and induced a life threatening coronary artery disease, inter alia. All medical doctors record my reports of DEW & ELF assaults as 'delusional'.
JFK is with us. The people of the world can stop the fbi and their controlled federal magistrate judges from their barbarity, cruelty and inhumanity. We who are targeted for whatever twisted reasoning tell all people our stories of torture, persecution and murder by the USA. We say of our unwavering commitment to prevent continuing atrocities and to protect human, civil & constitutional rights, in the words of JOHN F KENNEDY "Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans—born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage—and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this Nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world." Wiki.
JFK is with us.

The people of the world can stop the fbi and their controlled federal magistrate judges from their barbarity, cruelty and inhumanity. We who are targeted for whatever twisted reasoning tell all people our stories of torture, persecution and murder by the USA. We say of our unwavering commitment to prevent continuing atrocities and to protect human, civil & constitutional rights, in the words of


"Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans—born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage—and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this Nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world."

Geral Sosbee

Updated May 19, 2019, 4:41 PM
Laws Violated By fbi & cops Federal & State laws violated around the clock for 35 years as fbi Special Agents, operatives, thugs & assassins attack me physically and psychologically with an array of weapons (including DEW & ELF). The grand insult is delivered when fbi sends federal and state police to threaten and try to kill me. See my reports on University of Texas HSC, San Antonio & Harlingen, Texas: Cops BLEIER and WILSON for ten years instructed all police, security guards & library staff to BOLO for GERALSOSBEE; finally fbi and BLEIER AND WILSON sent a thug named Alonso Yanez to commit A & B in an effort to provoke a fight. In Brownsville Texas cop Adrian Posada fraudulently threatened me and wife as we tried to file a vandalism report with his department. Then, a Harlingen Texas police officer pumped toxic fumes into my residence in efforts to kill me. USPI TREY KNIPFING and Texas DPS CONRAD RODRIGUEZ came into my home to fraudulently threaten me and my wife. Fbi operatives in EL PASO tried to smother me as I began my law career there. Fbi assassins tested their kidney stone production on me in Brownsville , Texas. All of the above crimes are prohibited by our former U.S. CONSTITUTION (now suspended), 5th & 14 Amendments , Due Process & Equal Protection clauses which are designed as a safeguard from arbitrary denial of life, liberty, or property by fbi and their police operatives. Fair treatment of citizens as stated in the *14th Amendment (1868) is also violated ritually by fbi and all cops. The police who assisted fbi in harassment, assault, and other crimes denied me the *equal protection of the laws. Federal Magistrate judges authorize all crimes referenced above . See http://www.indymedia.org.nz/articles/25111 These judges and many others in judiciary should be prosecuted for high crimes. Thus, my doctorate of jurisprudence prepared me for the discovery that our laws are concocted by murderously evil people. https://www.academia.edu/32128360/The_SCAM_of_the_Millenium..docx
Laws Violated By fbi & cops

Federal & State laws violated around the clock for 35 years as fbi Special Agents, operatives, thugs & assassins attack me physically and psychologically with an array of weapons (including DEW & ELF).

The grand insult is delivered when fbi sends federal and state police to threaten and try to kill me.
See my reports on University of Texas HSC, San Antonio & Harlingen, Texas: Cops BLEIER and WILSON for ten years instructed all police, security guards & library staff to BOLO for
GERALSOSBEE; finally fbi and BLEIER AND WILSON sent a thug named Alonso Yanez to commit A & B in an effort to provoke a fight.

In Brownsville Texas cop Adrian Posada fraudulently threatened me and wife as we tried to file a vandalism report with his department.

Then, a Harlingen Texas police officer pumped toxic fumes into my residence in efforts to kill me.
USPI TREY KNIPFING and Texas DPS CONRAD RODRIGUEZ came into my home to fraudulently threaten me and my wife.

Fbi operatives in EL PASO tried to smother me as I began my law career there. Fbi assassins tested their kidney stone production on me in Brownsville , Texas.

All of the above crimes are prohibited by our former U.S. CONSTITUTION (now suspended),
5th & 14 Amendments ,
Due Process & Equal Protection clauses which are designed as
a safeguard from arbitrary denial of life, liberty, or property by fbi and their police operatives.

Fair treatment of citizens as stated in the
*14th Amendment (1868) is also violated ritually by fbi and all cops.
The police who assisted fbi in harassment, assault, and other crimes denied me
the *equal protection of the laws.

Federal Magistrate judges authorize all crimes referenced above . See http://www.indymedia.org.nz/articles/25111

These judges and many others in judiciary should be prosecuted for high crimes.

Thus, my doctorate of jurisprudence prepared me for the discovery that our laws are concocted by murderously evil people.

Geral Sosbee

Geral W Sosbee
Texas Tech University, School of Law, Post-Doc | Law+1
The fbi commits high crimes on a grand and systematic scale, and I seek to prosecute them in the court of public opinion;
I work to expose the unconscionable crimes by the fbi and the cia against me and others globally.… more
152 Followers | 1 Following | 1 Co-author | 15,668Total Views | top 2%

33 Papers
7 Talks
1 Teaching Documents


fbi Hacks My Paper on "American Nazism"
Fbi Hacks My Paper on "American Nazism", 2019
On May 11, 2019 the fbi hacks my paper on "American Nazism" by deactivating the link to my report... more

American Nazism
American Nazism
I am grateful to Acaemia.edu for allowing me to post my papers on this esteemed forum. Import... more

"Beware The Twilight", Darkness Has Fallen
Beware The Twilight
This paper focuses on the slide of our professions into despotic rule in coordinated efforts with... more

Purging by fbi of our most gifted and insightful citizens, including veterans
fbi and friends purge our society, 2019
The fbi and federal magistrate judges repeat the most horrendous, murderous & destructive customs... more

March 27, 2019, fbi Methods To Murder Selected Targets Discretely
fbi Methods To Murder Selected Targets Discretely, 2019
This paper focuses on recent attacks via psychological operations in discrete efforts to cause a ... more

fbi executes extortion plot in failed attempt to silence me.
Attempted Extortion by fbi
The fbi sinks to the use of attempted extortion and assaults by high tech and low thugs to discou... more

Information Especially For Police
Information for police, 2019
This paper seeks to inform the police everywhere concerning the risks to police and to the public... more

February 5, 2019 fbi murder & attempted murder.docx
The primary purpose herein is to remind the readers of a few unconscionable crimes committed by t... more

fbi Exercises Unconscionable Control Over Man and Space.docx
fbi Exercises Unconscionable Control Over Man and Space. January 19, 2019 Abstract: After deca... more

The Issue, 2019
This paper presents an historical perspective on the profound corruption of law and society of t... more

America, See What You Have Become,December 21, 2018.docx
America, See What You Have Become, 2018

fbi uses DEW, Thugs to interfere with, harass and incapacitate Targets
This paper shows evidence that the fbi uses high tech weaponry to incapacitate this ex fbi specia... more

The people of the United States of America must stop fbi and police brutality and killings, must ... more

fbi COINTELPRO against Geral Sosbee; false denial by Monica Mclean
This report focuses on claims by former fbi attorney Monica McLean that fbi was not conducting an... more

"The Medium Is the Message"
The "Medium Is the Message"
This paper reflects my half century of study and experiences as a teacher, attorney, soldier, fbi... more

As nightfall does not come at once, July 27, 2018.docx

GERAL SOSBEE, fbi whistleblower, podcast #3 with RAMOLA D
Subject: Watch "Report # 75: Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower/Podcast 3: Endless and Criminal FBI ... more
Fbi corrupts police & local government 'across the board'.

Two podcasts by RAMOLA D and GERAL.docx
by Geral W Sosbee and Ramola D
I credit RAMOLA D, without whom this report would not be possible, for her faithful dedication t... more

March 11, 2018, To Correct The Inhumane CJS.docx
This study represents a summary of my insights into the current so-called Criminal Justice System... more

crimes by fbi and federal judges.docx
Crimes By fbi and Federal Judges This paper identifies a gross injustice upon Americans and socie... more

Biographical Data on Geral Sosbee.
Biographical Data on GERAL SOSBEE
This biography in the context of my other papers at https://ttu.academia.edu/geralsosbee offers ... more

Fbi Agents Rampantly Engage In Criminal Activity
This paper presents proof by clear and convincing evidence that fbi agents and operatives rampant... more

Evidence in two parts of multiple crimes committed & covered up by two federal agencies acting in... more

Media Culpable As Accessories
In the tradition of Nazi war criminal Joseph Goebbels the USA's controlled media are guilty as ac... more

The SCAM of the Millenium..docx
This paper reflects 30 years of my struggle to stop the harassment, torture and discreet attempts... more

The fbi, Their Agents, Operatives, And Friends Are Seriously Mentally Ill
This paper reflects a half century of my association with the United States Government; I particu... more

Macabre Crimes Committed By fbi, Tacitly Approved By Congress/SCOTUS
The focus of my studies is on the fbi's macabre and criminal assaults which intensified in the ye... more

Overthrow Of United States Government By fbi/cia
After twenty eight years of attacks on me ongoing today by the fbi, as though I am an unwelcomed ... more

what would you do if?
See my report on atrocities committed against me by the fbi for the past twenty five (25) years i... more

Corruption of Law & Society By fbi
This article is a more comprehensive study (than my other reports) on the specific ways that the ... more

Explication Of Salient Events
This is my summary report on the crimes committed against me by the fbi in their outrageous vend... more

Evidence of a new, unheralded, illegal, quasi 'Criminal Justice System' (CJS) forged by fbi
See evidence that the fbi secretly turns civil court judges into operatives and at the same time ... more

Fbi psychological operations
This report is not available, except as herein formulated. The fbi and their kind globally en... more


fbi's "Future Crime" Project
fbi's "Future Crime" project: Introduction : "Those... (i.e., fbi/cia)... who can make you beli... more

For the defense in cases prosecuted by the fbi: GERAL SOSBEE, witness to the macabre culture o... more


A New Perspective, Let My People Go
This is my message for the reconstruction of the brutal & murderous criminal justice system in ... more



My Affidavit On Recent Police Abuses Against Me

Brutal Murder & Torture of Ambassador Stevens caused by fbi/cia
"Murder of Ambassador Stevens: See Addendum in the following link. The Ambassador was out of favo... more


See also: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/medicalreport/medicalclearance.html

Drones to kill Americans, fleeing in their car (SCOTUS authorizes, Mullenix v. Luna )
Sosbee states: Drones may in theory legally be used by fbi/police to kill fleeing, innocent susp... more

Teaching Documents

MA thesis, 1974, by Geral Sosbee A Study of the Literary and Biographical Influences Upon Thomas... more
Updated May 18, 2019, 2:06 PM
Covert Crimes (including treason) By fbi and federal magistrate judges (fmj) fbi & their hip pocket federal magistrate judges are directly criminally responsible for the torture, maiming & killing of thousands of Targets with invisible deep space based high tech weaponry(DEW & ELF). PLUS, from http://austin.indymedia.org/article/2014/03/01/cointel-program-fbi-... See how these cowardly maniacs in fbi and fmj are also accessories to crimes committed by their Targets: In the following report by Paul Baird he shows examples of such horrible, but often predictable consequences to assaults on people by the DEW and related high tech, space based weaponry. In my case I react by documenting the fbi’s unending crime spree against me. I am grateful to Paul Baird for the *data shown below which is borrowed from his site here: http://www.surveillanceissues.com/category/surveillance-results/ * • The following is a brief list of criminals known / suspected to have been “triggered” by agencies using Neurophones…They were all told by “God” or “Aliens” or “spirits” to comit their crimes but, in reality, it was always agency trickery; to force a tragic event that they could then use. All of the following committed (or assisted in ) heinous crimes but those agents “triggering” them are also guilty yet remain above the law. * Timothy McVeigh Executed Oklahoma city bomber. * David Koresh Killed at Waco siege massacre. * Mark Chapman Imprisoned murderer of John Lennon. * Martin Bryant Imprisoned Port Arthur massacre patsy. * James Holmes Denver “Batman premier” killer. * Peter Schneidas Deceased murderer. * Anthony Waterlow Institutionalised killer. * Cho Seung-Hui Deceased Virginia Tech’ killer. * Jared Loughner Shooter of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. * William Matheson Imprisoned “Body in the bag” killer. * Otty Sanchez Imprisoned for murdering her baby. * Aaron Alexis Shot dead after US Navy yard massacre. * Craig James Grant Institutionalised murderer of girlfriend and her lover. * Todd William Devaney Ex kick boxer ..killed girlfriend. * Ivan Milat Back packer murderer; tried to cut own hand on instruction from “voice”. * Harold Neal Singleton Jailed for stabbing of Nurse. * Vince Weiguang Li Beheading on bus. * Mark Collier Imprisoned. * Charles McCoy Jnr On death row for Murder. * Tommy Zethraeus etc Imprisoned for Sture plan massacre. Many other mass murderers were no doubt similarly “triggered” but the details aren’t always made public. Many others whose names are known to the general public either harmed themselves or are suspected of having been influenced by agency neurophone harassers to commit non lethal crimes. ] LOCALLY, SUPPORT AND INFORMATION CAN BE OBTAINED THROUGH PAUL BAIRD – p.baird@surveillanceissues.com www.surveillanceissues.com
Covert Crimes (including treason) By fbi and federal magistrate judges (fmj)

fbi & their hip pocket federal magistrate judges are directly criminally responsible for the torture, maiming & killing of thousands of Targets with invisible deep space based high tech weaponry(DEW & ELF). PLUS, from


See how these cowardly maniacs in fbi and fmj are also accessories to crimes committed by their Targets:

In the following report by Paul Baird he shows examples of such horrible, but often predictable consequences to assaults on people by the DEW and related high tech, space based weaponry.
In my case I react by documenting the fbi’s unending crime spree against me.
I am grateful to Paul Baird for the *data shown below which is borrowed from his site here:

• The following is a brief list of criminals known / suspected to have been “triggered” by agencies using Neurophones…They were all told by “God” or “Aliens” or “spirits” to comit their crimes but, in reality, it was always agency trickery; to force a tragic event that they could then use. All of the following committed (or assisted in ) heinous crimes but those agents “triggering” them are also guilty yet remain above the law.

* Timothy McVeigh Executed Oklahoma city bomber.
* David Koresh Killed at Waco siege massacre.
* Mark Chapman Imprisoned murderer of John Lennon.
* Martin Bryant Imprisoned Port Arthur massacre patsy.
* James Holmes Denver “Batman premier” killer.
* Peter Schneidas Deceased murderer.
* Anthony Waterlow Institutionalised killer.
* Cho Seung-Hui Deceased Virginia Tech’ killer.
* Jared Loughner Shooter of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.
* William Matheson Imprisoned “Body in the bag” killer.
* Otty Sanchez Imprisoned for murdering her baby.
* Aaron Alexis Shot dead after US Navy yard massacre.
* Craig James Grant Institutionalised murderer of girlfriend and her lover.
* Todd William Devaney Ex kick boxer ..killed girlfriend.
* Ivan Milat Back packer murderer; tried to cut own hand on instruction from “voice”.
* Harold Neal Singleton Jailed for stabbing of Nurse.
* Vince Weiguang Li Beheading on bus.
* Mark Collier Imprisoned.
* Charles McCoy Jnr On death row for Murder.
* Tommy Zethraeus etc Imprisoned for Sture plan massacre.
Many other mass murderers were no doubt similarly “triggered” but the details aren’t always made public.
Many others whose names are known to the general public either harmed themselves or are suspected of having been influenced by agency neurophone harassers to commit non lethal crimes. ]
– p.baird@surveillanceissues.com

Geral Sosbee

This information has not yet been fully disseminated and more people everywhere must comprehend the atrocities now ongoing by fbi & their hoodlum friends in black robes on the federal bench.
Updated May 17, 2019, 9:51 PM
Geral Sosbee
Republication of my paper on fbi and federal magistrate judges forging a new set of illegal & inhumane laws designed to threaten, torture,maim, force suicide and murder selected Targets by the millions. Read this to understand the criminal insanity of fbi Special Agents, operatives, informants assassins and the miserable federal judges who help fbi destroy lives and undermine our former constitutional government of USA.
Updated May 17, 2019, 9:36 PM
So many fbi friends & operatives speak of constitutional rights, yet they are silent on the fbi's ongoing torture, maiming, false imprisonment and assassination program against Targets. These fbi sponsored charlatans include some attorneys and law makers and many citizens who in devious praise of an imagined constitution, ignore atrocities committed by fbi and police against Targets. In reality we have no constitutional government of USA and the document is dead, except in the devious minds of fools working for fbi traitors hideously seeking attention. They are E V I L. See my papers at https://ttu.academia.edu/geralsosbee
Raymond Del ToroYou couldn't be more right my friend
May 16, 2019, 5:42 PM
Geral SosbeeFbi deletes this evidence of DEW attack.
May 20, 2019, 5:37 PM
So many fbi friends & operatives speak of constitutional rights, yet they are silent on the fbi's ongoing torture, maiming, false imprisonment and assassination program against Targets.

These fbi sponsored charlatans include some attorneys and law makers and many citizens who in devious praise of an imagined constitution, ignore atrocities committed by fbi and police against Targets.

In reality we have no constitutional government of USA and the document is dead, except in the devious minds of fools working for fbi traitors hideously seeking attention. They are E V I L.

See my papers at

Geral Sosbee updated his status.
Ignoble fbi & company

Let's now see the names & faces of all fbi agents, federal magistrate judges, operatives, etc., who torture, malign & murder fbi Targets.

The most dangerous and evil people in our society hide their identities and murderous deeds, while subjecting their victims to torture, forced final exits, wrongful public humiliation and death.

The identities of these fbi perpetrators & federal magistrate judges (as well as operatives, doctors , lawyers and members of the general population) must be made public and their unconscionable crimes revealed.

I identified many of these terrible people in "My Story In Detail " and other sites.

This may never happen because of the social upheaval likely when people discover the hopeless depravity of civilization and the names of those who destroy our trust & of those responsible for descent of humanity into their macabre maelstrom.

Nevertheless, all Targets of fbi assassins are among the most noble in the world and I distinguish them from the cowardly miscreants who kill them and who pretend to be civilized.

Thank you.
Everyman's Ideal Goal Preface: Between the assaults by fbi, I take time to remember the purpose of life. No law protects fbi Targets against the tsunami of purely evil assaults by which fbi, with all their vast resources, seek to drive Targets insane, force them into final exits and murder them. For me, though, I find that the horrid challenges (of facing fbi's psychotic episodes against me) are richly rewarding, stimulating and fulfilling. Finally, my battle against the enemy of mankind (i.e., fbi special agents, operatives and supporters) is the realization of my life's greatest goal: to work 24/7/365 for life in an important endeavor that serves the eternal interests of mankind. Thank you.
Geral Sosbeefbi threatens forced dementia.
May 15, 2019, 5:57 PM
Everyman's Ideal Goal

Preface: Between the assaults by fbi, I take time to remember the purpose of life.

No law protects fbi Targets against the tsunami of purely evil assaults by which fbi, with all their vast resources, seek to drive Targets insane, force them into final exits and murder them.
For me, though, I find that the horrid challenges (of facing fbi's psychotic episodes against me) are richly rewarding, stimulating and fulfilling.

Finally, my battle against the enemy of mankind (i.e., fbi special agents, operatives and supporters) is the realization of my life's greatest goal: to work 24/7/365 for life in an important endeavor that serves the eternal interests of mankind.

Thank you.
Don't embarrass the 'Burro', i.e. the federal bureau of investigation; but as the miserable creature is infected with murderous nature, as is fmj, the burro must be put out to field with its soul mates- wolves,hyenas,lions and snakes.
Don't embarrass the 'Burro', i.e. the federal bureau of investigation; but as the miserable creature is infected with murderous nature, as is fmj, the burro must be put out to field with its soul mates- wolves,hyenas,lions and snakes.

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