fbi/cia's own torturers, assassins, & terrorists globally

From My Facebook, here are my posts, Part 1

Wikid pedia

Wikipedia is wicked for their lies which are being exposed everywhere
Updated Jun 16, 2019, 1:07 PM
Here is the report on Facebook which caused fbi to disable my Facebook account:
Fbi assassins are hurting.
Updated Jun 17, 2019, 9:43 AM
Present Situation:

USA uses secret technology as weapons to torture, maim, force suicide and murder people everywhere. fbi & federal magistrate judges spearhead this global assault on our fellow earthlings which includes horrendous psychological attacks on the sanity of Targets and assaults by DEW AND ELF space based, invisible weaponry (including voice to skull and mind programming directives).

The general population does not generally question the crimes committed against humanity which are the topic of intense discussions on many social media.

Yet, fbi and their police underlings continue to murder citizens, veterans and residents at will and with almost total impunity. Recently, I documented an instance of Texas State licensing of a fbi operative
/apparent assassin to openly carry and brandish a firearm close to my home in effort to threaten me. See Mission Texas Police Report #19-14961. I also asked Texas DPS to revoke the license, but without success.

Clearly, most Americans do not know what this government is doing, nor do they care about atrocities committed secretly in the name of USA which is allowed to remove & to destroy people & governments at will.

The fbi, cia,nsa, etc. are psychopaths let loose by Congress and SCOTUS on the world with no monitoring and no supervision. Many Targets of this sorry state of affairs do care and, even while under attack, the Targets courageously
confront the villains when possible.

The popular media hides this data, while the public is content to watch absurd productions on t.v., including fake news, song & dance minucia , and a variety of inconsequential trivia.

Judges & attorneys are successful in controlling all attorneys to prevent public disclosure of fbi atrocities which are more egregious daily by the effects of fbi fusion centers globally. No discussion is allowed on public forums regarding these crimes, even though no more compelling issues face mankind .

I advise the fools in Congress and SCOTUS to pay attention here because they are setting the stage in America for failure, suffering and defeat.
Updated Jun 14, 2019, 11:31 AM
June 14, 2019

Most widely read papers from GERAL SOSBEE


Evidence of a new, unheralded, illegal, quasi 'Criminal Justice System' (CJS) forged by fbi

See evidence that the fbi secretly turns civil court judges into operatives and at the same time ... more


what would you do if?

See my report on atrocities committed against me by the fbi for the past twenty five (25) years i... more



This paper presents an historical perspective on the profound corruption of law and society of t... more

March 27, 2019, fbi Methods To Murder Selected Targets Discretely.
This paper focuses on recent attacks via psychological operations in discrete efforts to cause a 295 Views

crimes by fbi and federal judges.docx

Fbi Agents Rampantly Engage In Criminal Activity
This paper presents proof by clear and convincing evidence that fbi agents and operatives rampant... more

Corruption of Law & Society By fbi
This article is a more comprehensive study (than my other reports) on the specific ways that the ... more

Fbi psychological operations
This report is not available, except as herein formulated. The fbi and their kind globally en... more

The fbi, Their Agents, Operatives, And Friends Are Seriously Mentally Ill
This paper reflects a half century of my association with the United States Government; I particu... more

America, See What You Have Become, December 21, 2018.docx

fbi executes extortion plot in failed attempt to silence me.
Attempted Extortion by fbi

Overthrow Of United States Government By fbi/cia
After twenty eight years of attacks on me ongoing today by the fbi, as though I am an unwelcomed ... more

fbi FUSION CENTER Calamity
This paper focuses on the gigantic fraud by which fbi tortures, imprisons and murders their Targe... more
139 ViewsTop 2%

A New Perspective, Let My People Go
This is my message for the reconstruction of the brutal & murderous criminal justice system in ... more

fbi's "Future Crime" project: Introduction : "Those... (i.e., fbi/cia)... who can make you beli... more


The people of the United States of America must stop fbi and police brutality and killings, must ... more

See also: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/medicalreport/medicalclearance.html

Macabre Crimes Committed By fbi, Tacitly Approved By Congress/SCOTUS
The focus of my studies is on the fbi's macabre and criminal assaults which intensified in the ye... more

fbi COINTELPRO against Geral Sosbee; false denial by Monica Mclean
This report focuses on claims by former fbi attorney Monica McLean that fbi was not conducting an... more
Updated Jun 14, 2019, 9:53 AM
Geral Sosbee
From my efforts to show global police state's high crimes, including torture, forced suicide and assassination by fbi and others:


Texas Tech University, School of Law, Post-Doc | Law+1

The fbi commits high crimes on a grand a… more

156 Followers | 1 Following | 1 Co-author | 16,050Total Views | top 1%

Thanks to all Targets, especially RAMOLA D AND BARBARA HARTWELL, for your moral,
Intellectual, & spiritual support which enhances my productions and success at

Updated Jun 13, 2019, 8:24 PM
Geral Sosbee
Highlights of torture & attempted murder by fbi and their dangerously retarded & psychopathic federal magistrate judges:
Updated Jun 13, 2019, 12:47 PM
Geral Sosbee

" Want to be rewarded for spying on your neighbors, citizen? Good news! There’s an app for that!"

P.S.: From first hand experiences I report here that agents of ICE are generally crazy and ready to arrest, or kill you, especially when fbi and 'ICE wives' calumniate against you.
Updated Jun 12, 2019, 10:43 PM
Geral Sosbee
To all abominable fbi and their sadistic and equally evil associates at cia/nsa/dod, et al, who torture, imprison and murder our people around the world:

While you are never tp be forgiven for your heinous, dark & murderous crimes as Targets everywhere document, our Maker/PROVIDENCE invites you
(the lowest form of human beings ever to walk on earth) to confess your crimes, apologize and stop your hideous wars against the people.
Updated Jun 12, 2019, 5:16 PM
Geral Sosbee
Fbi hacks this report and inserts a non existent link to

The correct link is:
Updated Jun 12, 2019, 4:50 PM
From my efforts to show global police state's high crimes, including torture, forced suicide and assassination by fbi and others: https://ttu.academia.edu/geralsosbee Texas Tech University, School of Law, Post-Doc | Law+1 The fbi commits high crimes on a grand a… more 156 Followers | 1 Following | 1 Co-author | 16,050Total Views | top 1%
Geral SosbeeFbi hoodlums are nervous over global response to my (& your) disclosures of fbi crimes against humanity. Thank you.
Jun 12, 2019, 4:11 PM
Francis KingThanks, sir. This will be helpful to me.
Jun 12, 2019, 6:23 PM
Geral SosbeeThanks to all Targets, especially RAMOLA D AND BARBARA HARTWELL, for your moral, intellectual, & spiritual support which enhance my productions and success at https://ttu.academia.edu/geralsosbee
Jun 12, 2019, 6:32 PM
From my efforts to show global police state's high crimes, including torture, forced suicide and assassination by fbi and others:


Texas Tech University, School of Law, Post-Doc | Law+1

The fbi commits high crimes on a grand a… more

156 Followers | 1 Following | 1 Co-author | 16,050Total Views | top 1%
Geral Sosbee
To make clear: fbi Special Agents, operatives, thugs, punks & assassins, together with federal judges, are super charged C O W A R D S.
They send women, children and armed half wits to assault, threaten and try to kill this Target.
The fbi often watches as their victims take their own lives. Police & prosecutors ignore all crimes against me.

They poison me and experiment on my body with chemical cocktails, and they attack with invisible weaponry based in deep space. They also execute an assassination attempt while I lay unconscious in hospital following surgery for a war related injury. fbi never stop their psychological war on me (and other Targets) which includes sneaky home/car invasions, gaslighting , and selective destruction of property.

These are the tyrants who pretend to defend USA. They fail and the foolish citizenry ignore the evidence everywhere of fbi incompetence, cowardice and treason. Their sport is calumny.

The fbi and their supporters, including quislings in Congress, SCOTUS and the entire judiciary, should be tried for war crimes.

I defeat the fbi and federal judge accomplices by thwarting their evil intent.

Updated Jun 11, 2019, 7:33 PM
Geral Sosbee updated his status.
Lies of fbi traitors are today accepted by most people as truth, but must in time be revealed as issuing from forked tongue of a demon. Fbi are masters of deceit by which
fbi seizes power over all of society. However , fbi must face the fast approaching day of reckoning for their 100 years of lies. Their web of lies are soon torn apart.

Walter Scott: "what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive!"
Geral Sosbee
No words capture the splendid character of this marvelous & talented woman, RAMOLA D.
Updated Jun 10, 2019, 11:17 PM
Geral Sosbee
My experience in war prepared me to endure the excruciating pain waiting for me at the hands of fbi psychopathic killers back home, and my survival on the battlefield gave me the resolve to combat intellectually the low hoodlums of fbi who overthrew our government while I was defending it and who now try to kill me by cowardly covert attacks.
Updated Jun 10, 2019, 10:49 PM
Geral Sosbee
In the final analysis fbi Special Agents, operatives, thugs, stalkers, calumniators, serial killers, torturers and their accomplices in the federal judiciary win nothing, while they lose the trust of those betrayed and convert society into a group of dangerous tyrants with the same disgusting & insane criminal traits as fbi.

The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.” –George Orwell
Updated Jun 10, 2019, 10:17 PM
Geral Sosbee
Updated Jun 10, 2019, 7:11 PM
Geral Sosbee
If they walk like a duck, quack like a duck and smell like a duck, then they are fbi/federal magistrate judge, dirty double crossing ducks & birds of a feather flocking together.
Updated Jun 10, 2019, 3:30 PM
Geral Sosbee updated his status.
Recent assaults by fbi thugs & whores deserve comment because federal magistrate judges authorize the civil misconduct and aggressive psychological attacks. Fmj & fbi are the low and cowardly dirty tricks they employ.

1) while I am on computer in hotel, fbi assassin come in to distract, make noises, & walk around me during his fake phone call. This dangerous fbi operative paces back and forth as though he is angry. Later, another fbi thug sneaks up behind me and abruptly interferes with my work.

2) More recently fbi operative females perform as follows: wearing extremely tight, short shorts, revealing too too much on the back side (with flesh falling out) and obscenely suggestive front presentation, she parades around in pursuit of my attention on behalf of fmj & fbi. She has a witness with her .

3) Female with her is a male witness who sits near me, while she wears very short skirt which is more than halfway up her thighs, and she opens her legs.

The insane fmj & fbi never stop with their efforts to provoke.
Meanwhile DEW AND ELF attacks are constant.
Geral Sosbee
See this report and discover why most people deny the horror of the real fbi in favor of the false fbi presented almost everywhere.

Few people comprehend the depth of fbi evil, criminality, treachery, cowardice and insanity. I am one such person and my extensive documentaries tell of a world of deceit and betrayal by fbi that no one wants to believe, nor to verify.

The reality and truth of fbi corruption is cloaked behind a wall that is almost impenetrable; and behind the wall is a parallel fbi whose wickedness is opposite the popular image of fbi which media, Congress, courts et al pretend exist.

Remove that cloak to discover why I remark that USA is dead, that all Targets and prisoners (in jail & mental wards) must be freed, that fbi must be destroyed and that all fbi agents & operatives/informants/street thugs/assassins must stand trial for crimes against humanity.

See my statements on the urgent need for a new Nuremberg type trial to include so many high profile persons that our country would need reformation if such trial be held .

See my reports at the following link, if the reader dare see truth hiding just few inches behind the cloak.

“The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.” – George Orwell
Updated Jun 9, 2019, 9:57 PM
Geral Sosbee

Freedom Fighters For America http://www.freedomfightersforamerica.com/honest_heros

"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not
prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not
mold itself to the wishes and desires of the
willfully ignorant." Unknown
Updated Jun 8, 2019, 10:06 PM
Geral Sosbee
Summary: The sad, but compelling truth about America is presented with economy of words & abundance of meaning.

No expressions capture the horror of USA's fascist State forced on the people by fbi, judiciary and cowardly Congress. No legal, nor moral code may support the atrocities that I and others witness as victims of the most murderous, treacherous and criminally insane regime ever to rule on the face of the earth.

As I watch the fbi and federal magistrate judges engage in a series of crimes in subversion of all this nation once championed as sacred, I am stunned in momentary disbelief beyond my ability to describe.

Never can you be resurrected.
Updated Jun 7, 2019, 12:08 AM
Geral Sosbee updated his status.
June 5, 2019, as I returned home from store, the female psychopathic neighbor who performed several terrorist acts against us followed me into my driveway.

She was alerted by fbi assassins of my proximity to my home, so she was ready for her dirty little attack. Then, as I entered my home I noticed that fbi had just planted a Wikipedia link to a venomous black snake on my smart phone screen.

A few weeks ago this same mentally ill and pathetic excuse of a woman released an ugly black snake that slithered rapidly across our front yard, startling my wife.

This story reflects the dirty character of fbi and their filthy operatives.

Theme: Nazi Blockleiter
Geral Sosbee
What lasting significance in life, if one leave nothing of eternal value to those who follow!

My fellow Targets, wherever located in battle against fbi assassins and their stalking perpetrators of atrocities, you & I are this generation's lives of

-- 'Thank you for your service.'--
Updated Jun 5, 2019, 9:31 PM
Geral Sosbee
Thanks Rick . Many of your reports parallel my life here.
Updated Jun 5, 2019, 6:21 PM
Geral Sosbee
Updated Jun 5, 2019, 6:17 PM
Geral Sosbee
Updated Jun 5, 2019, 6:16 PM
The living dead advance with arms extending, fingers pointing, mouths wide opening & evil proclivities protruding.
The living dead advance with arms extending, fingers pointing, mouths wide opening & evil proclivities protruding.
When I yet believed in the original, Constitutional USA. 1982. JD.
When I yet believed in the original, Constitutional USA. 1982. JD.
Geral Sosbee
Why are Congress & SCOTUS worthless to the people! Because they are terrorists against our citizenry.
Updated Jun 4, 2019, 9:46 PM
Geral Sosbee
Fbi turns citizens into terrorists against fbi Targets, while pretending to defend USA
Updated Jun 4, 2019, 9:12 PM
Geral Sosbee
Subliminal Support To Stop fbi

Multiple subliminal messages from USA 's agencies & departments are sent to me, some in support of my labors to destroy the fbi and remove that filthy pack of rabid wolves from the face of the earth.


However, the 'black rose' messages generally are meant to convey a message of death to me.

The VA indicates that SOSBEE defeats fbi, while the United States Navy reveals that fbi uses terrorist methods of Navy Seals.

Dept. of Education reminds all of the official fbi history book where SOSBEE is featured, and in another message, the USDA concurs that the fbi's unconscionable CJS is designed to fail.

On a separate site at
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission reminds this nation of my service to USA in war on battlefield.

HHS & PENTAGON CITE MY RECEIPT OF AMJUR AWARD, as I continue to find "Remedies" for the disease stricken fbi which infects all America with its homicidal psychopathology.

I am sad to report that medical doctors , dentists and lawyers are eager participants in fbi atrocities (including torture, maiming & murder and cover up ) against selected patients/Targets .

Shame on you all. America may never forgive you.
Updated Jun 2, 2019, 9:12 PM
Geral Sosbee updated his status.
I am sad to report that medical doctors , dentists and lawyers are eager participants in fbi atrocities (including torture, maiming & murder and cover up ) against selected patients/Targets .

Shame on you all. America may never forgive you.
Evidence of support from federal courts Nine years ago I received notices from 2 U.S. District Courts regarding my efforts to find a 'remedy' for the overthrow of this government by fbi/cia. The notices are located within the site meter images shown in the following link: http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/hightechassau.html 5 years after the 2 federal courts highlighted my work in 'Remedies', the United States Federal District Court for the Southern District of Texas *admitted me as a member of the Bar of that court which is in Houston and which includes all of RGV Texas. I consider the judges in these 2 courts (Houston & Jacksonville) as patriots who understand that fbi assassins and traitors have a stranglehold on the entire judiciary, Congress and the Executive branch (& all departments of government). Evidence of such support is growing as I and many other Targets continue to report examples of crimes against humanity committed by fbi and their friends, including cover ups by fusion centers & media across the nation. Here is my previous post on this subject: Unexpectedly Sosbee receives two messages of support from the United States District Courts (shown in the site meter images ...) for Sosbee's excellent work in "Remedies" against the assassins of the fbi/cia/doj *
Evidence of support from federal courts

Nine years ago I received notices from 2 U.S. District Courts regarding my efforts to find a 'remedy' for the overthrow of this government by fbi/cia. The notices are located within the site meter images shown in the following link:


5 years after the 2 federal courts highlighted my work in 'Remedies', the United States Federal District Court for the Southern District of Texas *admitted me as a member of the Bar of that court which is in Houston and which includes all of RGV Texas.

I consider the judges in these 2 courts (Houston & Jacksonville) as patriots who understand that fbi assassins and traitors have a stranglehold on the entire judiciary, Congress and the Executive branch (& all departments of government).

Evidence of such support is growing as I and many other Targets continue to report examples of crimes against humanity committed by fbi and their friends, including cover ups by fusion centers & media across the nation.

Here is my previous post on this subject:

Unexpectedly Sosbee receives two messages of support from the United States District Courts (shown in the site meter images
...) for Sosbee's excellent work in "Remedies" against the assassins of the fbi/cia/doj

Geral Sosbee
The massive, inhumane, unconscionable, macabre & covert crime wave striking at the heart of USA and other countries by fbi, as witnessed by me and thousands of other Targets, converts this nation into the most deadly and cowardly criminal syndicate ever to impact mankind. This modest post echoes around the world and into the infinite spaces of the universe as a notice of the decadence of our species and the hopeless depravity of those who use their power to control all people and to devilishly shape their destiny.
Updated Jun 1, 2019, 9:35 AM

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