fbi/cia's own torturers, assassins, & terrorists globally

**Journalism Replaced By...

Many of us read, watch and listen to media figures who refer to themselves as journalists, or  investigative journalists. All such 'reporters' have one trait in common: they never disclose or reveal compelling evidence of crimes ongoing by fbi and cia, as documented first hand by victims of covert intelligence macabre operations.

Indeed, the so called main stream journalists turn their backs on true reporters of atrocities committed by fbi/cia.

See John Farrimond's absurd and cowardly letter to me in 1999 from Tower Productions:


Then ask, where are the intrepid investigative journalists who dare report on modern day crimes against humanity? I respond that no such reporters and journalists exist within main street controlled media. Yet, A few of us (like RAMOLA DHARMARAJ,  BARBARA HARTWELL,  KAREN STEWART, et al. ) chronicle treason, high crimes and misdemeanors by USA 's  intelligence groups which, if made public, might raise calls for criminal prosecution of fbi and cia (and their operatives) for atrocities. 


For more information on my experiences with corrupt media and journalists see


...and my 2002 experience with Ted Montouri at the same link.

So, I have come to realize why the word, 'journalist' , or  the phrase 'investigative journalists & journalism' today have negative connotations.

Such 'do little' reporting that these cowardly and greedy media figures perform have negative connotation.

1) the collapse of our 
constitutional government 
2) the overthrow of USA government by the intelligence community 
3) the widespread fascist-like police state now stretching around the globe 4) extensive use of torture via DEW & ELF WEAPONRY,  inter alia,  by fbi and cia against domestic and foreign political Targets.

Now this brings me to the central focus of this report. 

My dear friend and professional colleague RAMOLA DHARMARAJ sometimes refers to herself as a journalist. Of course, she is right in such a description. However, this superb woman transcends in her documentaries ordinary, traditional journalism. 

RAMOLA 's writings, videos, interviews, book reviews and her global contacts with experts in media, technology, intelligence services, and other  insiders in-the-know regarding deep state, dark (i.e. black) operations of government, etc., render her work unprecedented in modern journalism (aside from the work of BARBARA HARTWELL). 

Today, dozens or perhaps hundreds of reporters such as I and my splendid friend BARBARA HARTWELL  rush to RAMOLA to provide our reports and experiences which are suppressed  by nearly all other journalists and which RAMOLA readily examines and publishes.

RAMOLA DHARMARAJ is a tower of strength and enlightenment,  a beacon of light in this twilight of tyrannical oppression, and a true leader in this time of promising advances in  information technology. 

RAMOLA DHARMARAJ is no ordinary reporter and is certainly not to be confused with journalists who pretend to inform and educate the public. 

NO, she dares go into forbidden topics and documents  by direct & incontrovertible testimony (including her own, mine, BARBARA HARTWELL, KAREN STEWART, and many others) eye witness accounts of crimes against humanity by USA's intelligence services: 
torture, false imprisonment,  forced suicide while being monitored,  assassinations, mind control using advanced, satellite based weaponry, and assorted other phenomenal crimes.

For all of this and much more I consider RAMOLA DHARMARAJ to be a champion of human rights, a leader of the people, a new type of journalist who presents an altogether unfamiliar form of journalism.

All who follow and honor her travails may realize that her unique and brave reportage places her in an entirely new category which is distinct from the run of the mill jorunalist.

**Journalism* has a new and unprecedented  standard which I name,

as emblematic of the only form of reporting that honors truth and justice.

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